Grilled Salmon and Potatoes

1-2 lbs salmon filet
4T oil
4t soy sauce
lemon pepper
garlic salt
You don't need to measure, just drizzle and sprinkle generously.
Grill on a very hot grill and sear about 5 minutes per side.
Remove when slightly underdone. 
Garlic-Lemon-Parsley-Butter Sauce
4T butter
4T lemon juice
1T chopped parsley
garlic salt to taste

Put the salmon on a platter and drizzle with olive oil, and soy sauce, coating well.
Sprinkle generously with lemon pepper and garlic salt. Do this on both sides, turning the filet flesh side down to marinate a few hours.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before grilling.
Sear fish flesh side down on a very hot grill for about 5 minutes. Turn and baste with any marinade left on the platter.
Grill another five minutes. It's very important not to overcook the salmon. It should be slightly underdone when you remove it from the grill.

To remove the fish from the grill slide your spatula between the flesh and the skin. This way the skin with remain on the grill to be removed later.
The salmon will continue cooking after it's been removed to the platter. You want it moist and tender, not dry.
Arrange in serving size portions on the platter and drizzle with lemon-butter sauce.
Surround with oven roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus.

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