Chocolate Cream Pie

the crust
200g tennis biscuits (or graham crackers)
100g butter, melted
for the filling
750ml milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon good quality instant coffee
½ cup corn flour
½ cup sugar
⅓ cup cocoa powder
5 egg yolks
1 teaspoon salt
to serve
fresh cream, whipped
cocoa powder, for sifting

Crush the tennis biscuits and mix with the melted butter.
Press into the bottom of 6 small or 1 large pie tin and place in the fridge to set.
To make the filling, combine the milk, vanilla and coffee in a saucepan and bring to boiling point.
In a separate bowl, combine the corn flour, sugar, cocoa powder, egg yolks and salt and mix well to form a smooth paste.
When the milk has reached boiling point, remove from the heat.
Whisk a ladle full of the hot milk into the corn flour mixture and continue with the rest of the mixture.
Pour the liquid back into the saucepan and over low heat, whisk continuously until the filling is thick and when tasted, has no floury taste.
Pour the mixture through a sieve to make sure there is no lumps and pour the smooth filling into the prepared pie case.
Allow to set in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
When you are ready to serve, whip the cream and swirl onto the pie. Dust with cocoa powder and serve.

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