Mushroom Omelette Recipe

2 eggs
Salt and pepper
15 g butter
For the filling
15 g butter
50 g mushrooms, wiped and sliced
5 ml chopped fresh chives

Lightly whisk the eggs, seasoning and 15 ml ( 1 tbsp ) water together. Melt the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat, tilting the pan so that the surface is evenly greased.
Pour in the egg mixture and gently stir with a fork, allowing the uncooked egg to flow to the sides and cook. Once the egg has set, stop stirring and cook the omelette for another minute, until the under-side is golden brown.

For the filling, melt the butter and lightly fry the mushrooms for about 3 minutes until tender. Stir in the chopped chives. Spoon the filling on to the centre of the omelette and, using a palette knife, fold the omelette by flicking one third over to the centre, then fold over the opposite side. Turn the omelette on to a warmed plate, folded side underneath, and serve immediately.

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