Chinese rice recipe

225g rice
60 ml sunflower oil
Salt and pepper
3 eggs beaten
225 g peeled shrimps
100 g mushrooms, wiped and sliced
100 g cold cooked chicken, cut into strips
100 g cold cooked pork, trimmed of fat and diced
60 ml chicken stock
30 ml ( 2 tbsp ) Marsala
15 ml ( 1 tbsp ) tamari sauce
Chopped fresh parsley to garnish

Bring a saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil. Stir in the rice, cover and simmer for 40 – 45 minutes or until the rice is just tender. Drain, rince in cold water to stop the cooking process and drain again.
Heat 15 ml ( 1 tbsp ) oil in a small frying pan, tilting the pan so that the surface is evenly greased. Season the beaten eggs well, pour into the pan and heat gently. Stir with a fork, allowing the uncooked egg to run to the sides of the pan to cook. Once the egg has set, stop stirring and cook until the under-side of the omelette is golden brown.

Remove from the pan and drain well. Cut into long strips and keep warm.
Heat a further 30 ml ( 2 tbsp ) oil and fry the shrimps lightly. Add the mushrooms, chicken and pork. Heat through well, remove from the pan, drain and keep hot with the egg strips. Heat the remaining oil, add the rice and stir over a low heat. Add the stock, Marsala, tamari sauce and season well. Add all the other ingredients to the pan and heat through. Pile on to a hot serving dish, garnish with parsley and serve immediately.

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