Leche de Mango Recipe

1 quart milk
1 stick cinnamon
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 egg yolks, beaten
3/4 cups raw almonds, ground
2 mangoes, pureed
1/8 cup raw chopped almonds
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 Tbsp ground cinnamon

Bring milk and cinnamon stick to a boil in a heavy saucepan.
Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
Add sugar, and slowly reheat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens to light custard, about 5-8 minutes.
Remove from heat and add egg yolks, incorporate thoroughly and return to low heat.
Stirring constantly cook until custard thickens, another 5-8 minutes.
Remove from heat, add ground almonds and mango puree.
Pour into a serving bowl and refrigerate for two hours.
Garnish with sugar, cinnamon, and chopped almonds, or any other eye-catching garnish to serve.

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