Gluten-Free Apple Pie

2.5 cup flour (a cup is about 250 ml)
Tiny sprinkle of salt
1 cup butter
10-20 tbs cold water
Ingredients for the pie filling:
1 kg (about 2lbs) apples (tart ones are great, but any apples will do, no stress)
3/4 cup sugar
Just under 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/8 cup water
2 tbs butter

Start by cutting the butter into the salted flour (or use salted butter). I like using an ordinary fork to do this, till the butter bits are about pea-sized. Then add the water, fluffing and almost-stirring, until you can gather the dough into your hands and it sticks together. Separate in half.

Heat oven to 230º C (450º F).
Put half the dough on the covered board sprinkled with flour. Roll with socked rolling pin also sprinkled with flour. Roll evenly until it is large enough to fit into the bowl and go over the edges. Fold in half, then half again. Pick it up and put the middle of the pointy bit in the middle of the pie dish. Unfold carefully. Wet your fingers with water and smooth over the crust, repairing any cracks with watery fingers.

Put the remaining half of the dough on the board to be rolled later. This enables you to use the same container for the making of the filling; easier!
Chop the apples into quarters and slice them thinly. If the apples are soft, you can slice them more thickly. Add all the other filling ingredients except for the butter. Mix together and put on top of pie crust in the pan. Add pea-sized pieces of the butter on top.

Roll the other half of the pie crust, fold in quarters, and cover the pan with it, tucking the dough under the first crust layer with watery fingers.
Put in oven for 15 minutes. Then reduce heat to 175ºC (350ºF) and bake for about another 45 minutes. Pie is ready to come out of oven when either the top starts to leak sugary liquid or it is getting brown.

Serve with good company!

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