The Best Tiramisu Recipe

2 eggs, yolks and whites separated 
300gr / 10.5 oz. mascarpone cheese at room temperature 
1 x tbsp of sugar 
2 to 3 drops of vanilla extract or the contents of a vanilla pod 
Zest of an orange 
100ml / 3.5 oz. of cold strong black coffee 
80ml / 2.7 fl. oz. Vin Santo - Italian dessert wine
About 12 savoiardi, Italian Sponge finger biscuits
Sifted cocoa powder and some grated dark chocolate which contains 70% cocoa solids to decorate.

1. Whisk the egg whites with an electric whisk until they reach stiff peaks and set them aside. 
2. Add the Vin Santo to the coffee in a bowl and set aside. 
3. Mix the mascarpone, sugar, vanilla and egg yolks in a separate large bowl and whisk with the electric mixer until evenly combined. 
4. Fold the egg whites bit by bit into the mascarpone mix, adding half of the orange zest also. To do this use a metal spoon, the clean thin edge of the metal makes it easier to work everything together. The important thing is not to lose too much of the air in the egg whites that you have whisked in. 
5. Put a little of the cream mix in the bottom of your serving dish. 
6. Dip the biscuits in the coffee and wine mix, making sure that they take up the mixture but that they do not disintegrate. They will take up the liquid very quickly and easily as they are quite dry. 
7. Lay the biscuits out over the cream mixture in your serving bowl. 
8. Repeat until the mix is finished or your bowl if full. The last layer should be cream. 
9. Dust with cocoa powder, rest of the orange zest and grated or shaved dark chocolate. 
10. Cover the dessert and put it in the fridge. It needs some time, preferably overnight, but 5 to 6 hours is mostly good enough.

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