Chocolate Orange Pie

24 oreo cookies
1/4 cup. tea melted butter
For the filling with orange flavor:
1 package jelly orange 100 g.
2 tsp orange extract
1/2 cup. tea orange juice
2 1/2 cups. tea cream
5 mandarin slices peeled seedless
For the topping chocolate ganache:
1 cup. tea cream complete
340 g. chocolate drops or chocolate couverture chocolate cut into small pieces


For the base:
Crush in the blender oreo cookies, add the melted butter and continue beating for a while or until fully incorporated butter. Lay the mixture evenly, pressing the base of a round pan with removable bottom base diameter of 20 cm. And refrigerate to cool.

In a saucepan put the orange extract and 2/3 cup. water and cook over medium heat. Just boil pour the jelly, the download from the heat and stir well until completely dissolve the jelly beans.
Pour 1/2 cup. tea orange juice to top with ice-cold water that you left briefly in the freezer. Pour into the pan with the dissolved jelly and stir until it begins to slightly thicken the mixture. Leave it for a little aside to cool.
In a large bowl put 2 1/2 cups. tea cream. Pour into the prepared and jelly from the saucepan and beat with mixer for a few seconds to be incorporated. Cover with film the bowl and refrigerate for about 20 min to cool well and shake.

Clean mandarins, divide the slices of which remove the white fibers and their seeds. Remove the filling mixture from the refrigerator, pave half above the base and place on top of tangerine slices ""keep some for garnish"".
Over slices of mandarin pave and straighten the other half of the filling mixture and put the pan in the refrigerator for 30 min or until thickened and stabilized well filling.

Chocolate ganache:
Put in saucepan, over medium-high temperature, the cream just to boil remove from the heat. Stir in the chocolate drops and leave for 4 min without stirring them. After you hit the chocolate cream mixture with a avgogdarti to completely dissolve the chocolate and you have a smooth chocolate cream. Leave for a little aside to misokryosei.
Layer 1 cup. tea Ghanaian entire surface over the filling and refrigerate for about 20 min. Just come to room temperature the remaining ganache to put in a piping bag or pastry bag and decorate your cake with rosettes around and [as in the photo]. Decorate, optionally, with mandarin slices or chopped orange slices.

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