Scrambled Eggs Recipe

1 Tablespoon Oil
Pepper and Other Seasonings 
4 Large Eggs
2 Tablespoons Water

Coat the pan with the oil and add the pepper and seasoning and turn the burner to high.

Immediately crack the eggs and mix them with the water right in the still cool frying pan with a fork. Since this recipe takes some direct attention (no leaving it alone!).
With a wooden spatula start gently scrapping the bottom of the frying pan in the center right away.
The moment you see egg start to form on the tip, turn the burner to a medium low and start gentle scrapping the egg from the frying pan from every part of its hot surface. Do not stop for anything that isn’t bleeding or on fire!

The more constant attention you give the eggs, the creamier they will be.
When the eggs look like they are almost dine. Turn the heat off and serve. The eggs will continue to cook a bit on their own.
Salt the eggs to taste.

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